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Embrace & Empower Care offers education, support, & care for parents through pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.

Hi, I am Adelide, owner of Embrace & Empower: health, yoga & doula care. I created this business to teach women to embrace their bodies, minds, and lifestyles, especially during a time when life is full of change. I believe that women can feel empowered in whatever way they choose to prepare, give birth, and care for their babies. 


My journey to creating Embrace & Empower Care began with a yoga practice that I started as a sophomore in high school in 2010. I fell in love with the mind/body connection from practicing yoga. I became a Registered Yoga Teacher (200-RYT) through Salt Lake Community College, where I studied with incredible instructors from all different yoga backgrounds. 


I continued studying at Utah Valley University where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Education. I studied women's health, nutrition through pregnancy & breastfeeding, anatomy, modifying health behaviors and other health related classes. These classes taught me further, the importance of overall health and wellness (mentally, physically, spiritually & socially). Outside of my college training, I participated in an internship in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala where we hosted medical clinics with five Guatemalan Doctors. My favorite part of this internship was working with women who were pregnant or breastfeeding. I also completed an internship with WIC (Women, Infants, Children) where I worked in the lactation department, assisting women with breastfeeding in Provo, Utah. 

My passion for yoga and women's health led me to completing a pre & postnatal yoga training to be a Registered Pre & Postnatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT). I love helping women prepare and heal their bodies through Pre & Postnatal YogaI believe that breathing and strength building exercises are extremely helpful and important for labor and delivery. My fascination and passion for pregnancy and birth likewise led me to an intensive training with DONA International to become a Birth Doula, on my way toward full certification. I love caring for women in labor and believe that every woman deserves to have an empowering birth experience no matter what type of birth they have.​ One of my favorite quotes is, "I do not care what kind of birth you have... a homebirth, scheduled cesarean, epidural hospital birth, or if you birth alone in the woods next to a baby deer. I care that you were supported in your choices and that you were respected" (January Harshe). 

Besides teaching yoga and attending births, I enjoy hiking, camping, rock climbing, biking & practicing yoga with my husband in Utah. 

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